Sep 24 2014
by Natasha Murphy
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Phasellus vel consequat ipsum. Ut massa ex, sodales a augue sed, varius vehicula enim. Nullam varius mauris ipsum, id vehicula eros egestas in. Pellentesque sit amet lacus ut augue pulvinar efficitur. Sed posuere sapien consequat ligula mollis, sit amet accumsan mi iaculis.
Did your grandmother use the contraption (we always called it by the very original name “the pecan picker-upper”) that had a small metal basket on the end of a long handle (like a broom) that you would press down on the pecan and ground and it would pop it into the basket? It saved you from bending over. My brothers and I loved using that thing! And both grandmothers had the pecan cracker in your photo. Good memories!