Sep 24 2014
by Natasha Murphy
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Phasellus vel consequat ipsum. Ut massa ex, sodales a augue sed, varius vehicula enim. Nullam varius mauris ipsum, id vehicula eros egestas in. Pellentesque sit amet lacus ut augue pulvinar efficitur. Sed posuere sapien consequat ligula mollis, sit amet accumsan mi iaculis.
Megan! My family does the same thing!….waking up early Thanksgiving morning to watch the parade! I too have LOVED it since I was a little girl….so finally at age 31, my Mother & I made the trip to NY to see the parade (of course we mixed in some fun shopping and shows ; ) But the main reason for the trip was to see the parade in person…..and it was WELL WORTH the trip!! Here are a few pics…