Sep 24 2014
by Natasha Murphy
Natasha Murphy View More Blog Posts from this Author
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I share your oyster obsession!!! As did my grandfather, PaPa. : ) He loved making things using nature – pinecones, shells, driftwood…and of course – oysters.
Having just arrived at DeBordieu for Thanksgiving, I just knew we had one of PaPa’s oyster creations around the beach house somewhere. I studied the bookcases that are packed with years and generations of pictures, books, “objets”, and a wonderful mix of PaPa’s creations.
Found one! Upper left hand corner.
I stood on my tip-toes to reach it. Here’s what I found….
It appears to be some sort of candle with oysters melted into the exterior creating a kind of “candle holder”….PaPa sure loved making things.
Mother said she’d guess that oyster candle has been up on that shelf for 30+ years. Survived Hurricane Hugo and has been a “fly on the wall” for generations of happy family times here in the living room of our beach house.
I can’t help but think how PaPa would have marveled, had you told him back in the early 80’s when he was making that oyster candle….that in 30 years, his youngest granddaughter, Caroline, would be sitting here in this very same living room…..pulling his oyster candle off the shelf, taking a “picture of it with her telephone”….and “posting it to a blog on the World Wide Web” – MY HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED!!!
Comforting that some things do stay the same….like PaPa’s oyster candle : )