Sep 17 2014
by Natasha Murphy
Natasha Murphy View More Blog Posts from this Author
Phasellus vel consequat ipsum. Ut massa ex, sodales a augue sed, varius vehicula enim. Nullam varius mauris ipsum, id vehicula eros egestas in. Pellentesque sit amet lacus ut augue pulvinar efficitur. Sed posuere sapien consequat ligula mollis, sit amet accumsan mi iaculis.
Kim – I’ll have to admit the feather rolls are made by my Yankee husband. Sort of like a lighter Parker House Roll. I’m sure he would love to make them for you if you cared to venture down here to Oz. I’ll try to send you the recipe soon. Sad story but he has terminal cancer plus had a stroke on Wed so we are in the City while he’s being treated. Hope to get home for a day during the coming week and will get the recipe for you. XOX