TSC Member Monday: June 2023

Jul 3 2023


June member Monday

Meet Courtney Buchanan of CB Grey

Hi! I’m Courtney Buchanan, founder, and designer behind CB Grey. CB Grey is reinventing the silk scarf for the modern woman. These pieces are truly one of a kind because I personally hand-draw each and every design. Specific to their names, the designs reflect unique stories of everyday yet extraordinary women- like you and me! My goal with each design is to CELEBRATE who these women are and what they represent. Also to use the aesthetics of my artwork to honor their courage and authenticity. In turn, I strive to motivate other women to find the strength they need to be their own true, authentic self. I have been an artist my entire life. While photography was my original passion, I always dabbled in drawing and painting. I attended The School of Visual Arts in NYC for photography, which gave me the basis I needed to further my journey as an artist. After college, I worked in marketing for a start-up. During this time, I was able to develop my skills as a graphic designer and illustrator.

I worked as a freelance photographer and graphic designer until the launch of CB Grey. CB Grey is truly the culmination of all my years of training, both professionally and personally. I have a unique eye for seeing beyond surface level, which can be seen in the symbolism and intentionality of my designs. I also have the ability to find life and joy in every hidden corner. My positivity and love of life flow through my art in my choice of colors and whimsical elements.

Each CB Grey piece is intentionally designed to inspire you to feel beautiful, bold, confident, and fearless — because, spoiler alert — YOU ARE! Because to me, fashion is more than just what you wear; it’s a chance to show the world who you are. I currently live in Atlanta with my husband, Michael, our 3-year-old son, Grey, and our 15-year-old pup, Gypsy. 


Courtney Buchanan

Why did you join TSC Membership?

I joined TSC so I could be in the “cool” club! Lol! Seriously though, I joined to meet and network with other like-minded, hardworking, creative women. Women that I could learn from and that I could inspire. I thrive on celebrating and lifting up other women – so much so that I built my entire business around doing just that! I was also craving the connection with women that could understand the struggles that I deal with on a daily basis because they are dealing with the same. It takes a massive weight off my shoulders every time I have a conversation with a fellow boss babe, and I don’t have to explain what is going on with me because they just get it.

What is a favorite small business you like to shop or support?

OMG so many! Hold onto your boots – incoming!

@theblakeatl, @laurensmithdesignsllc, @eliselyon_art, @alicetrahantphillips.art, @wondermint.goods, @themonicafarber, @shoptaylorreese, @emilyannedesigns, @riddle_oil, @marykkendig, @jkeimstudio, @baublestockings, @kmmcollective, @mignonnegavigan, @scarterdesigns @blairsbelts, @meanwhilebackonthefarm …. and million more that I am sure I am forgetting!

Where do you go to get your inspiration now?

Other women! All of my designs are inspired by real women. When I started CB Grey, I knew I wanted to build a brand with heart and soul. So I made it my mission to create beautiful works of wearable art while simultaneously celebrating and lifting up other women. I put their stories, positive character traits, and personal aesthetic into a blender in my brain, and out pops a design that is unique to that woman and also meant to be an inspiration to others who wear it. You can read the stories behind many of the designs on the site in the “Behind the Designs” section.

What is the best business advice you have ever given or received?

Learn to PIVOT! That is the best business advice I can possibly give. If it is not a trait that comes naturally to you, you can absolutely train yourself. I used to be a huge control freak (and still can be at times lol) and would really struggle with anxiety when things did not go as I planned. I finally realized that NOTHING ever goes completely as planned, and in those instances, you can either fold or pivot. And more likely than not, the pivot always ends up better than the original plan. It’s all a matter of perspective and the ability to let go when need be. And when all else fails, just put on your brightest scarves and dance it out!

grace Hamlin

Meet Grace Hamlin
of Grace Hamlin

I’ve been a content creator for over three years, primarily sharing on Instagram but also on my blog at GraceHamlin.com

In addition to highlighting my favorite finds, styling suggestions, perks at family life, and my days living on the West Coast of Florida, I love partnering with brands of all sizes in fashion, lifestyle, home decor, and travel. These collaborations have made this my full time job, and I’m continuously in awe that I get to fill my time with something so creatively fulfilling – I never imagined this in my wildest dreams.


Why did you join TSC Membership?

I joined TSC after attending my first Summit in 2022. So many brands and people I admired were affiliated and I had a feeling it’d be a great fit. One trip to Round Top, and another Summit later, I love investing in this membership and these relationships. The support, advice and community is something truly special.

What is a favorite small business you like to shop or support?

There are SO many. To me, being able to find and connect with such an array of small businesses from all over, is one of the very best aspects of social media, and I’m grateful to play a part in sharing those with others. On the top of my mind is fellow member, Erin Donahue. Both of my girls love art, and Catherine – my four year old – especially gets lost in painting. She recently asked if she could be an artist when she grows up and I immediately thought of Erin and all that she does as a professional artist. So I told Catherine all about my friend, and showed her Erin’s pieces, her videos of her painting, and told Catherine about how now she’s expanding her business into textiles and tabletop!

Where do you go to get your inspiration now?

So much of what I’m drawn to from a style perspective is from my mom and grandmother – the way they’d decorate, celebrate, set a table, or the signature pieces they always wore. But my day to day, inspiration is cliché, but the truth is I find it everywhere. I zero in on details – maybe not the same details as everyone else, but details none the less. It might be the particular blue that comes through on the worn edges of the hymnals at church, or a stack of old plates at the thrift store, a drawer handle that would make a cute earrings or the way bedding is styled in a Southern Living from the 90s that I’m reading for the millionth time.

What is the best business advice you have ever given or received?

Just don’t quit. When I was starting this venture, my friend Sarah Tucker advised to stick with it, even if it’s just one post a week, to keep going and resist the perfectionism trap that often happens wherein we tell ourselves, if it isn’t perfect, I should quit. And her voice has been ringing in my ear ever since! So some months it’s full steam ahead, some months I have to pull back, which is ok!

Meet Caroline Lunne
of Migrate Marketing

My name is Caroline Lunne (rhymes with “honey”!) I call Charleston, SC home and run a boutique marketing agency, @migratemarketing. I consider creativity my love language and supporting women owned businesses my true passion. When I’m not dreaming up marketing strategies or creating things for my clients, you can find me on a run, phoning a friend, decorating a room or soaking up the South Carolina sun. 


Caroline lunne

Why did you join TSC Membership?

The best part of being a TSC Member is the community and support! There is nothing like being surrounded by amazing and ambitious women who are ready and eager to help each other. The educational component has also helped immensely. TSC is always scouting and delivering information that business owners need to know! The weekly membership calls are so worth it for the knowledge alone. The connection and support I’ve received from this community is unmatched!

What is a favorite small business you like to shop or support?

I love Poppy + Pink (@shoppoppyandpink) , Shop Swells (@shopswells) and Go + Tell Gals (@goandtellgals)! These businesses make amazing products that are beautiful and empowering.

Where do you go to get your inspiration now?

I get most of my inspiration from my surroundings and other women’s stories. I love anything to do with interiors and enjoy spending time outside! Spring has sprung here in the low country and everywhere you turn there is something beautiful to look at. The stories I hear about other women creatives inspire me greatly! I’ve heard many from the TSC community and I love tuning into the @howdshedothatpodcast for a daily dose of inspo.

What is the best business advice you have ever given or received?

The best business advice I’ve ever received was from my mentor Beth. She has long encouraged me to embrace risk and I have one of her quotes on my desk. It reads, “There is no step forward without risk. Embrace it!”

Meet Susannah Matthews
of Buru

From rearranging her parents’ furniture to putting on fashion shows at her parents’ dinner parties, Susannah’s interest in fashion and design began at an early age.Her passion for connecting, design and fashion materialized when she founded Hawthorne Home curating closets, wardrobe capsules and homes for clients. During the pandemic, Susannah nurtured her desire to assist and encourage women entrepreneurs by hosting safe shopping trunk shows, BURU was one of those. Susannah has organized hundreds of BURU trunk shows, multi vendor events and manages all four BURU Buses. Most recently, Susannah has facilitated BURU’s collaborations alongside founder, Morgan. Susannah is living her passions working with BURU, creating relationships and connecting, collaborating and encouraging others while fulfilling her dream role of parent of four with her husband, Russell.


Why did you join TSC Membership?

I have followed TSC since its creation and have always been curious about membership. Attending the Summit in 2022 with the BURU team was one of the most inspiring experiences I have had professionally. I was so excited to have the opportunity to return in 2023. Connecting with other women in business is the best part of membership.

What is a favorite small business you like to shop or support?

BURU, of course! I am from Lakeland, Florida, so our hometown jewelry and gift shop, Gaines, is also a favorite.

Where do you go to get your inspiration now?

I get a lot of my inspiration from all four of my children and how they put everything together from their bedrooms to their clothing. I also love a good old fashioned coffee table book. I love to read them from cover to cover.

What is the best business advice you have ever given or received?

“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable,” is the best business and overall life advice I have ever received.


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