Membership Call Recap: Practical Strategies for Improving Time Management

Aug 12 2024

by Drew Mercer

Practical Strategies for Improving Time Management

Presenters: Kelly Nolan of The Bright Method
Notetaker: Drew DeFir of Luna Marketing Studio

Goal: reclaim control of your time in a realistic way


Myth: If I don’t do it right now, it won’t happen.

Time blocking allows you to breathe, have time with loved ones at home and lighten your mental load.

The Bright Method – Get clarity and peace of mind in your day to day

1. Simplify – scattered action items in one place
2. Visualize – a realistic game plan without mental management
3. Plan – intentional, reacting to whatever comes through the door


● Aim for one place to keep all the things.
● Choose a tool that is managing time… a digital calendar.
● Managing Your Tasks with a To-Do List:

    • To-do lists are exasperating your stress. Your to-do list can actually make you feel like you are bad at time management.
    • To do list also makes you feel defeated because you see all things you didn’t get done. 
    • Using a calendar reduces your decision fatigue.


Notes for Implementing The Bright Method


● Using a calendar.

    • Your calendar doesn’t have to rigid
    • You can be just as spontaneous, your calendar can flex with your day to day.
    • Curve balls – unpredictable BUT you can work around the curveballs. Block the last 3 hours of your day for expected curveballs.
    • “I like having a master to-do list”… Take your to do’s and calendar them first.

● The Benefits of using a Calendar:

    • You are realistic about what you can get done
    • You feel like you won at the end of the day
    • Create a game plan to get things done over time
    • Keeps you focused on what’s in front of you
    • Helps your relationship with your partner. Helps communication.

● The Magical Strategy: Avoid cluttered mess

    • Use Sub calendars that you can color code and turn on and off
    • Examples of sub-calendars
      •  Home
      • Work
      • Events
      • Kids
      • Meetings
          • You can share certain calendars with different people so that there is a level of privacy.
          • You can integrate Calendly and other calendar scheduling apps to certain calendars
    • You do NEED to put 95% of your to do list in the calendar for this system to work so you can assess your priorities.


    • You need a planning session 1x a week to sustain this system
    • Schedule prep and follow up time after each meeting
    • For large projects – pull out all the tasks that are going to be required to accomplish this project.
    • For a 6 month project – calendar 2 hours to work on the project so that you have buffer time and have more clarity about your actual workload.
    • Always refer to your calendar to know what you can/cannot take on from week to week.
    • Listen to Episode 4 on Kelly’s podcast about prioritizing

Keeping track of long term tasks and plans:

    • Once you calendar out the invisible to-do, repetitive work, and your one off tasks… your calendar gets pretty full.
    • Work on one big goal at a time.
    • Sit down and think about what you have to do each month or each week to accomplish the big goal.

What about when I go rogue when I don’t feel like doing the tasks….

    • Think about your energy patterns and matchmake.
    • Calendar your high energy tasks for when you have the most energy.
    • If you keep skipping a task on your calendar, maybe you need to own that you just don’t want to do it.
    • Important to build in flex time so that you have margin to move things around.

Ask yourself weekly: How do I want my life to feel?


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