Caroline Bramlett 2020 summit mentor lcbstyle
Jan 17 2020
by Rebecca Gemes
Rebecca Gemes View More Blog Posts from this Author
Becca is a recent graduate of the University of Georgia, where she majored in Consumer Journalism with a certificate in Entrepreneurship and Personal & Organizational Leadership. Her passion lies in connecting with others to help them fulfill their greatest potential. At UGA, she spent her time investing in Cru, an on-campus ministry, and her sorority, Chi Omega, and worked on different areas of campus throughout her time. Now she works full-time for The Southern C, meeting and assisting all of the amazing creatives of the entrepreneurial south. Ways Becca finds joy? People, power walks, calling old friends for a catch-up, sand between her toes, and ideas— no matter how scary they may be. Calling Columbus, GA home but born and raised in South Mississippi, Becca love places and people that feel like home and believe there’s nothing sweeter than making other people feel the same way.
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